Saturday, September 6, 2008

A Dream Deferred

Here is a comic I did about what might have happened if I didn't go to art school, like I was scarily close to senior year. Click on the images to make them bigger, and readable.


Anonymous said...

Such an unsettling real fear.

artguy said...

Natalie-- wow! Very poignant. I'm glad you took the big leap and went to Columbia. Let me know if there is anything I can ever do to help you!

I'm still in my graphic novel phase. Anything to recommend?

Anonymous said...

Did you really do all that? Foray into nursing, I mean? Crazy! I'm glad you're following your dream now, you're amazing. :)

Eli said...

Nice storytelling, keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like I'm a few months late on responding to your comic.

Hey kids, it's true...well anyways, sort of sounds like what happened to me, great artist in high school who never tried getting into art school because I didn't think I was good enough and my parents weren't supporting my wish to go into art, and now I'm in...nursing school feeling miserable. Maybe one day I'll be able to get back on the path I abandoned a while ago. Do what your heart desires and follow your dream and not somebody elses!

Natalie, I'm glad you decided to pursue what you really wanted to do, keep it up! (I remember all those great ideas you stormed up back in high school in Dimmer's class!)