Tuesday, April 20, 2010

New Directions



Wednesday, December 10, 2008


My book is finished! I think I'm going to go sleep for a week now.

This was a final project for a class of mine. They are illustrations of weird dreams I've had, most of them are from a dream diary I kept in high school. Those of you that went to CHS may recognize the red lockers...

Click for bigger images!

"It's hard to sell houses if they are painted bright yellow"
Walking towards death
Maybe I should go tell him his cat fell
"My daughter keeps running away and refusing help"
Exploring for artistic reasons
"Let's call him Balnibarbi"
Hand bound!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

The reason I can't draw a comic for this week....

I am putting together a book of illustrations of dreams of mine. This has been my weekend, and I'm only almost halfway done. I still the ones shown in ink to finish, then hopefully I'll get to 4 more illustrations. Then, I'm hand binding this thing myself! By Wednesday. Wish me luck!

Here they are... click them for bigger pictures.

The workspace.... It usually looks like this, projects underway or not. I have found it hard to work if I'm not surrounded by clutter.

Monday, December 1, 2008

I Hate Snow

My reaction to the snow this morning...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

I miss my muse...

True story, my friend Liz...

Click it to read.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

I am being lame!

No comic this week, read the one below this post.

Also.... check this out for Xmas shopping!!! Me and my sister are doing a shop!


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Model

I guess I suck at life because I'm updating this on a Tuesday. I was gone this weekend, and didn't touch a computer until really late Sunday night.
Here's a comic I did about a model I had once, and what I thought his life was like...
Click it to read.